IET Young Professionals’ Technical Conference 2020 organized by IET On Campus University of Peradeniya in collaboration with IET Young Professionals, Sri Lanka Network was successfully held on 15th August 2020 at the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Colombo. This is the annual technical paper conference of IET Young Professionals-Sri Lanka which was organized for the 18th consecutive time.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is one of the premier professional engineering organizations in Sri Lanka with its headquarters in the UK. As a professional organization, IET plays a major role in the career development of engineering professionals throughout the world. With the guidance of IET Sri Lanka Local Network, IET Young Professionals organize various events to improve and enhance the engineering knowledge, research capabilities, and soft skills of young undergraduates and professionals.

Focusing on the mission of the IET ‘To inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society’, IET Young Professionals’ Technical Conference organizes the event annually to provide a platform for engineering undergraduates to present their research work.

All the submitted research papers were pre-evaluated by a well-qualified evaluation panel and only the approved papers covering all the engineering fields were selected for publishing.

 The event was started at 9.00 am with the introduction and lightening traditional oil lamp. The welcome speech was done by Eng. Priyanga Ambanwala, the chairman of the IET Young Professionals’ Sri Lanka Network.

The event this year was enlightened by the chief guest Dr. Lalith Liyanage, the chairman of the IET Sri Lanka Network. The research paper presentation was followed by the speech of the chief guest

 Altogether five research papers were presented by the authors in front of a distinguished judge panel consist of both academic and industrial representatives. Dr. Lalith Liyanage, Prof. Rohan Lucas, Dr. Kamal Laksiri, Eng. N.A.G. Senanayake and Eng. Nalin Jayasooriya represented the panel of judges at the event.

The first place was awarded to the research about “Sentiment Classification of Sinhala Content in Social Media” from Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) and the second place was awarded to the research about “Designing a Wearable Textile Antenna to Transmit Real-Time Data of an Athlete” from the University of Ruhuna.

The event was proudly remarked the conclusion by announcing the winners. The event provided a raised platform to develop the skills of the engineering students and showcase their outstanding and excellent research outcomes to the engineering world.