Empowering Sri Lanka with 5G

Thashmila Araliya De Silva

Faculty of Engineering

University of Peradeniya

Empowering Sri Lanka with 5G


About 4.4 percent of the population in Sri Lanka still has no electricity facilities. Only 34.11 percent in Sri Lanka has the internet access ability. Thus, for most of them the next generation of wireless technology (5G) is still only a dream. This situation could be well experienced during the pandemic situation due to the covid-19.  Most of the areas were locked down or curfew. Everyone has to be quarantined. From school student to government or private employee had to telecommute his works. Then what‘s the fate of the people in remote areas. Everyone deserves access and connectivity to the internet or new technologies. How can 5G spread the facilities regarding to technologies equally and approach each of the person?


The main Internet Service Providers in Sri Lanka are competing with each other in leading the launch and deployment of 5G in Sri Lanka. Faster in speed, low latency, higher bandwidth and greater capacity will In fact revolutionize every aspect of human life. This transformation will enable new opportunities through digital economy and will pioneer to enhance the development of the nation. With the increasing opportunities for cross-sector innovations in manufacturing industry a rapid economic growth will come into being in automations, agriculture, health care, education, transportation and etc.


As per the vision of 5G “Information a finger away, everything in touch”, it promises to connect, enable and empower human lives with millions of exciting innovations. According to the current situation and the predictions from the experts, this pandemic status will exist for a few years ahead in all over the world. Thus, people will have to rely on technology more than ever. Technology will have a huge impact on daily life and it will become an integral part of our economy and lifestyle. Therefore, it’s accurate to accept the technology as a key force on economic growth which empowers a nation. Thus, it’s a must to enable connectivity for empowering. 


With the unlocking of commercial opportunities will pave the way for a new era of communication and will enable connectivity into the next level. For more importantly, health, education and manufacturing sectors are the most affected due to the pandemic situation in Sri Lanka. Thus, with the optimizing of connectivity, 5G will enable new effective options in above sectors with the concept of Internet of Things. In the education sector, students will be able to reach their online lessons more effectively and in power engineering more efficient energy saving methods will be discovered. Furthermore, healthcare systems can enable remote handling of telemedicine appointments.  Likewise, novel creations will dive more deep into the technology and will optimum the lifetime utility. 


5G will accommodate a wide range of use cases with enhanced qualifications in technology, specifically regarding the low latency, flexibility, wide coverage, and bandwidth spectrum. Since all the features related with 5G are directly accompanied with the large scale coverage, this will influence to approach whole community regardless of the closest to the technology. With the discovery of novelties concerning the fifth generation of wireless technology, advanced avenues will lead to establish more stable and long lasting opportunities to the Sri Lankan lives. Let’s prepare for the next generation of connectivity, 5G: turning of vision into a reality.